Streetcars used to be very common in Tokyo. However, due to the progress of technology and the progressive migration of trains from above to under the ground, they have almost disappeared. Only two streetcar lines are currently left: the Tokyu Setagaya Line and the Toden Arakawa Line. You may read my recent blog on the Setagaya Line here.
There's something deeply nostalgic in seeing a vehicle with such a retro look still running the streets of Tokyo. 之前为大家介绍过的世田谷线外,另外就是这条东急电铁的都电荒川线。到东京不一定只能玩市区,而已经来东京不少次的游客,若希望挖掘一些郊区或隐藏景点,可利用都电荒川线来趟郊区一日游,买一张都电荒川线一日券,随兴的上车下车,体验一些意料之外的乐趣,也是不错的选择。都电荒川线在东京复杂的铁路系统中,是仅存行驶于路面的电车之一,光凭这个原因绝对值得搭乘,若喜欢郊区一点的步调与景色,更是不能错过,在电车叮叮叮的声音中,我开始展开一天的行程。 那天坐上百年历史充满复古怀旧的都电荒川线路面电车 (Tokyo Sakura Tram),就像把时钟拨慢我不赶行程更没有紧凑的步代,走走停停来来回回全靠当下的一念之间。荒川线就像一本历史故事,也像一铁道电车百科全书,喜欢老时代氛围的会爱上它的内涵,是铁道迷的更会来此捕足它深度的风采。
This temple has significantly increased in popularity among foreign tourists in the past few years, with the main drawcard being a wonderfully strange sea of beckoning cats. Gotoku-ji has been the home of the maneki neko (lucky cat) since the Edo Period when a white cat apparently saved a warlord from a dangerous storm by beckoning him inside the temple. The cat became a symbol of good luck and its legend lives on in the statues.
世田谷线,从起站到迄站,短短的十个站点,不到十八分钟的车程,整体给人迷你可爱的感觉。世田谷线的路面电车,总长度不长,但沿途经过的地方都是极具生活感的区域,很适合来一趟途中下车闲晃的散步之旅。在山下车站是在以前的商店街残留下悠闲又温柔的一条街,我漫步在这条老街上,莫名的感到平静而安心。路面电车真的是东京最让人惊喜连连的交通工具,我能够在这样悠闲的气氛中渡过一整天,真是件幸福的事。穿过月台往里面走,会看到一个小小的平交道,在不影响来往路人及行车安全的前提下,这里也是一个很棒的摄影景点。豪德寺位于东京世田谷区的住宅区之中,虽然外观看上去跟普通的寺庙没分别,但里面却大有乾坤。招福猫使豪德寺成为猫迷圣地,其密集的视觉冲击也使该地成为拍照打卡的新景点,吸引旅客和摄影爱好者前来拍摄朝圣。 It was a warm, spring day as the Setagaya Line snakes its way through the quiet, residential streets of Setagaya Ward. Its ten-station line is a haven for local feeling and one of the true little joys of suburban discovery. The compact, two-carriage tram might be just a regular commute for locals, but it also gives sightseers a rare glimpse of Tokyo away from the crowds. Easy to get to, easy to ride and easy to enjoy, the Setagaya Line is a must for those looking for a picturesque day of feel-good sightseeing. I spent a day getting on and off, exploring quiet residential neighborhoods and local shopping streets.
The Setagaya Line is one of two surviving tramways in Tokyo (the other is the Arakawa Line which i will blog about it separately). Sangenjaya is a town with a long history. Beginning as an area with three tea houses, travelers and warlords stopped here on their way in or out of Edo city. Today, Sangenjaya sits beneath a towering expressway, offering a fascinating mix of old and new. I've made this series of photos into a comic book illustration. Making a picture different, quirky, and a little bit crazy doesn't necessarily make the image immature. Such effect has great potential to really make moments memorable and really etch that fun memory in stone. The comic effect can be an important reminder to not take life too seriously, have fun, and enjoy those special moments in life. 我这次去东京为自已安排了一趟怀旧路面电车之旅,体验的是东京市区宁静的另外一面。我已经三访、四访东京,不想再走人潮拥挤的观光或购物景点,所以搭乘路面电车走进东京朴实住宅区体验不同于东京繁华的悠闲氛围原来是一个不错的旅行方式。我找一个晴朗的好天气,跳上这一条路面电车。东急世田谷线,从起站到迄站,短短的十个站点,不到十八分钟的车程,整体给人迷你可爱的感觉。东急世田谷线是东京唯二的路面电车,另一条是都电荒川线。 我将这一系列的普通照片制作成漫画版的照片。我用漫画的形式重新诠释照片里的内容,发挥了我的想象力,让我的照片更有趣。 无论是黑白素描风,还是日系小清新风格都能够轻松搞定,内含表情贴纸,气泡贴纸,让漫画版的照片更加生动。 A very happy start to a great week! My photo essay under pen name 蓝天游 on Hong Kong's Cattle Depot Artist Village《牛棚藝術村香港另类文化空间》is published today! So happy to see it being featured nationwide in print! Special thanks to Lianhe Zaobao, you have made my day! Thank U so much 感谢 感恩 :)
Japanese people have had a long relationship with cats. More than 1,000 years ago, people in the upper class were already living with cats. Common people also started having pet cats at home several hundred years ago and Japanese people have been involved with cats in a variety of ways since then. There are shrines that worship cats as gods across Japan and cats have also played a part in folk beliefs through the ages. Cats have been loved by Japanese people through the ages.
Yanaka in Tokyo is famous not only for its old world charm, but for its sizable population of friendly stray cats. Of all the sights to see in the cozy, old-fashioned neighborhood Yanaka, one stuck out to me the most: cats, cats everywhere. Gallery Nekomachi 猫町 is an art space that only has cat-themed works on display. I felt that it was like a spot which would appear in the films of Ghibli. The 15-year old gallery itself is a pleasant place to visit, occupying an old house at the top of a steep set of stairs. 喜爱猫咪的东京 “谷中银座” 商店街,有很多以猫作为吉祥物的店铺,猫迷们走在街上,总会被那些真假猫们牵去了目光。 谷中一带猫踪处处,什么都会和猫扯上关系,GALLERY猫町就是一个专门以猫做主题的艺廊,由民家改建,藏于幽静的住宅区中。如果你肯定自己是百分百猫奴,便一定要来这里。老板非常喜欢猫,所以便开设了这个gallery。老板不为赚钱,只有望有更多人认识这些同样同猫的艺术家。 |